This guy cats! I don’t have a cat and for a moment I was even seriously considering having one.

If this fucker pisses you off then you know he is talking about you. No wonder he had to go on the rooftop to shout. More people need to hear this.

So many classic quotes in this one.


Read this in David Attenborough’s voice

UConn researchers recently documented in Nature Scientific Reports a gory and fascinating relationship between periodical cicadas and a fungus that infects them, hijacks their behavior, and causes a scene straight out of a zombie movie.

“It’s a fun story for us, not for the cicadas,” says UConn ecology and evolutionary biology researcher and adjunct faculty member John Cooley.

Though researchers have known about the fungus for around 100 years, Cooley and his colleagues David Marshall, a postdoc, and lab technician Kathy Hill have published new findings about the infection.

The story starts with the cicadas’ emergence, when around 2 to 5 percent are infected with spores of a fungus called Massospora cicadina. Though the fungus infects both male and female cicadas, the researchers discovered that early in the emergence, the infection — at this point called a Stage I infection — causes curious behavioral changes in males where, in addition to their normal mating behaviors, they will exhibit wing flicking that is typically seen only in female cicadas.

The infected male cicadas put on a ruse, much like the Sirens of Greek myths; they flick their wings like a female, and lure in healthy unsuspecting males, who get close enough to be exposed to the spores, leading to their doom. The diseased males will also attempt to copulate with the uninfected females, exposing them to even more spores….

read on {Via}

Also Read – Cicadas are back

To be fair, it says he went back swimming later and the octopus found him and beat his ass. Honestly, it sounds par for the course of what we can expect out of an Australian octopus. Octopi live only for a decade, now that could make any sentient being grumpy.

A man has been whipped by what he described as the “angriest octopus” while swimming on holiday at a Western Australian beach.

In a video that has gone viral, the octopus can be seen in shallow waters lashing out at geologist Lance Karlson.

The creature came after him again later and struck him on the arm, before whipping his neck and upper back.

The tentacles left stinging red welts on his skin, which Mr Karlson said only eased after he poured cola over them.

The former lifeguard told Australian news outlet 7News that his preferred treatment for sea animal stings is vinegar, but he did not have any on him at the time.

However, he said he knew anything acidic might help, and decided to try using cola. “Turns out it works.”

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Man can I write a poem about this, chief? This is amazing!

“A vessel for cooking while travelling, in the olden days” – India

Language – Tamil

Saddle up pardner


Dude, we’re not a bunch of idiots. We know about the value of condoms.

Whenever Ween comes up in conversation, I’m obliged to point out that I went to high school with them. Nice guys.

We have already gone beyond whatever we have words for.